Precast concrete walls are an attractive construction option providing consistency and cost efficiency.
Precast concrete walls are classified in categories according to their final intended application. All walls can be produced in a multitude of surface finishes (exposed aggregates, bush hammered, color) and patterns providing architects with unique design freedom.
Flat or architectonic solid walls consist of a single concrete layer, reinforced to the required structural design loads of either load bearing or non wall bearing cladding panels
Precast sandwich panels, made up of 3 layers, provide a superior
energy efficiency solution coupled with high fire resistance
for exterior walls.
Precast sandwich panels can be used as entire wall structures
(internal and external) and do not require any further internal wall
finish, thus allowing substantial time, cost and energy savings.
They provide noise insulation as well.
PPrestressed hollow core panels are suitable for industrial halls
cladding and boundary walls.
They reduce the weight of the panels.
Are reinforced and can be used as a part of a total precast concrete Structure solution.
Are reinforced and can be used as a part of a total precast concrete Structure solution.
“Prémurs” made up of 2 interconnected panels (with or without an isolation sheet) to be filled in with concrete in lieu of the standard costly and fastidious formwork. (murs banchés)